Terms and conditions


- The prices of the products are in euros (€) with VAT included. The prices are valid except for typographical errors or end of stock.
- Sales made in ECLIPSEPRESAS.EU will comply with Spanish laws with the consequent payment of the corresponding taxes. < br /> - Registering at ECLIPSEPRESAS.EU is free. The client will have access to their personal data by means of a password and can modify the data at any time. The purpose of the registration is for the delivery of products, their invoicing and to offer them the best offers. You have no obligation to be registered and you can unsubscribe at any time. Registering allows us to provide a more personalized service. The information we receive when you register will be completely confidential and will not have any access to this information by persons outside ECLIPSEPRESAS.EU.
- ECLIPSEPRESAS.EU is not responsible for changes in the specifications and product characteristics or when a product is discontinued without prior notice by the manufacturer.
- The photographs that illustrate the products do not fall within the contractual field and may not give rise to any type of commitment by ECLIPSEPRESAS.EU. In addition, ECLIPSEPRESAS.EU declines all responsibility regarding the validity of the content of the technical sheets and the descriptions of the products from our partners or suppliers.
- ECLIPSEPRESAS.EU reserves at any time and unilaterally the modification of the price of the products and services offered through its website. To guarantee the customer the certainty and security of the price of their products, this will be the one in force in the advertising coinciding with the time of formalizing the order.
- At the time of formalization of the order, Once the order acceptance menu option has been used, it is understood that the client's consent has been given for the validity and effectiveness of the sale contract that binds the parties.


In compliance with the provisions of the LOPD, we inform you that your data will be processed in our files, for the purpose of maintaining and complying with the relationship with our entity, including sending communications within the framework of the aforementioned relationship.

Likewise, your data will be transferred in all those cases in which it is necessary for the development, compliance and control of the relationship with our entity or in the cases in which it is authorized by a rule with the force of law. In compliance with the LOPD, you can exercise your ARCO rights before ECLIPSE CLIMBING DAMS COMMUNITY WITHOUT LEGAL PERSONALITY , with address at POLÍGONO ROMICA 02006 ALBACETE , attaching a photocopy of your ID.

The content of this communication, as well as that of all attached documentation, is subject to the duty of secrecy and is addressed only to its addressee. In the event that you are not the recipient, we ask you to indicate this and not communicate its content to third parties, proceeding to its destruction.

The information society service provider must take into account that, in addition to the information provided to the recipients of the service through its "Privacy Policy", it must have additional legal texts related to other regulations of mandatory compliance, such as, without limitation or exclusion, general contracting conditions, intellectual and industrial property, conditions of use of the website and responsibilities in this regard, or what Law 34/2002, of July 11, itself , Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce can establish in any other precepts apart from its article 10 or even complete the information that, in relation to it, is necessary.

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