In Ayna, "La Mancha's Switzerland", you will find a place that combines nature, tranquility, and...adrenaline!, as this guide offers you a detailed guide for more than 250 routes spread over 24 sectors with all orientations and grades, from IIIº to 8c. If you love climbing….. Ayna is a must on your bucket list!
Publisher: Herso Editions
ISBN: 9788494615504
Legal deposit: D.L: AB 351-2017
You have Ayna's climbing guide in your hands, it may seem that it does not weigh much but behind it there are tonnes of hours and hard workbacking this book. With the purchase of this guidebook you are collaborating in the maintenance of the roads in the area.
If you are willing to collaborate a little more and actively participate in the re-equipment of some route, you can send your project to: